Index of all flowers from our Colorado photo albums
Please click on a link number after each location to see one of the corresponding photo albums
Lake NamePhoto Album(s)
Abyss Lake Mount Evans Trail
American Lakes American Lakes Hike     Trap Park Trail & Table Iron, Iron Mountain and Flat Top Mountain Hike
Andrews Tarn Taylor Peak via Andrews Glacier
Arrowhead Lake Gorge Lakes and Peaks Backpacking Trip     Mount Ida and Chief Cheley Peak Hike
Arukatuku Marsh Hike to the Hidden Lakes in the Northwest Corner of the Comanche Peak Wilderness
Azure Lake Gorge Lakes and Peaks Backpacking Trip     Mount Ida and Chief Cheley Peak Hike
Barnes Meadow Reservoir Big South 10ers Hike     Big South 9ers Hike     Cameron Peak Hike
Bear Lake Bierstadt Lake Hike     Emerald Lake Hike     Lake Helene Hike     Bear Lake to Grand Lake Hike via the Flattop Mountain and North Inlet Trails     Sprague Mountain Hike
Beaver Ponds Elliott Ranch Hike
Bench Lake South and North Rawah Peaks Backpacking Trip
Betty Lake Rollins Pass Hike     Skyscraper Peak Hike
Bierstadt Lake Bierstadt Lake Hike     Otis Peak, Hallett Peak, and Flattop Mountain Hike
Big Pool Bear Lake to Grand Lake Hike via the Flattop Mountain and North Inlet Trails
Black Lake Longs Peak Hike - Keyhole Route     Longs Peak Hike via North Longs Peak Trail     McHenrys Peak     Glacier Gorge Lakes Hike     Pagoda Mountain
Black Pool Black Pool and Lost Brook Falls Hike
Blue Lake Blue Lake Trail     Glacier Gorge Lakes Hike     Mitchell Creek Trail and Blue Lake Hike     The Spearhead
Bob Lake Rollins Pass Hike     Skyscraper Peak Hike
Boyd Lake Loveland Recreation Trail
Brainard Lake Lake Isabelle Hike     Mount Audubon Hike
Browns Lake Browns Lake Trail and Crown Point Hike     Flowers Trail
Buckeye Lake Buckeye Lake and Peak Hike
Button Rock Reservoir Button Rock and Button Rock Mountain Hike     Button Rock Reservoir Loop Hike     Coffintop Mountain Hike     Coffintop Mountain via Coffintop Gulch     Coffintop Mountain via Deadman Gulch     North Sheep Mountain Circumnavigation Hike     Sleepy Lion Trail
Camp Lake West Branch and Camp Lake Trails to Ranked Peak 11344 & Sheep Mountain
Carey Lake West Branch Trail
Carter Lake Sundance Trail
Cathedral Lake Cathedral Lake Trail
Chambers Lake Big South 10ers Hike     Blue Lake Trail     Cameron Peak Hike     Skyline Ditch Trail     Green Ridge Hike
Chasm Lake Chasm Lake Hike     Longs Peak Hike - Keyhole Route
Chicago Lake Mount Evans Trail
Chipmunk Lake Ypsilon Lake Trail
Cirque Lake Emmaline Lake Trail     Fall Mountain via the Emmaline Lake Trail and Cirque Ridge     Old Morrill Trail and Comanche Peak Hike     Mirror Lake Hike (on the Corral Creek, Mummy Pass and Mirror Lake Trails)
Clear Lake Clear Lake Peak Hike     South and North Rawah Peaks Backpacking Trip
Cliff Lake South Maxwell Peak Hike
Comanche Lake Beaver Creek Trail and Comanche Lake Trail     Hourglass Trail
Comanche Reservoir Beaver Creek Trail and Comanche Lake Trail     Browns Lake Trail and Crown Point Hike     Old Morrill Trail and Comanche Peak Hike     Hourglass Trail
Coney Lake Coney Island and Coney Lake Hike     Sawtooth Mountain & Red Deer Lake Hike
Crater Lake Maroon Lake to Crater Lake
Crater Lakes Crater Lakes Hike
Creedmore Lakes Creedmore Lakes Hike     Hikes from the Dowdy Lake Recreation Area
Crystal Lake Fairchild Mountain via the Southeast Ridge     Hoosier Pass Hike     Lawn Lake Backpacking Trip
Crystal Lakes Black Mountain Hike
Cub Creek Beaver Ponds Odessa Gorge Hike
Cub Lake Odessa Gorge Hike
Dillon Reservoir Buffalo Mountain Trail     Mount Royal Trail to Royal Mountain
Doughnut Lake Gorge Lakes and Peaks Backpacking Trip     Mount Ida and Chief Cheley Peak Hike
Dowdy Lake Hikes from the Dowdy Lake Recreation Area     Hike from the Elkhorn Creek Trailhead
Dream Lake Emerald Lake Hike
East Creedmore Lake Creedmore Lakes Hike
Embryo Lake Loch Vale Hike
Emerald Lake Emerald Lake Hike     Bear Lake to Grand Lake Hike via the Flattop Mountain and North Inlet Trails     Otis Peak, Hallett Peak, and Flattop Mountain Hike     Laramie-Poudre Tunnel and Green Ridge Hike
Emmaline Lake Emmaline Lake Trail     Fall Mountain via the Emmaline Lake Trail and Cirque Ridge     Old Morrill Trail and Comanche Peak Hike     Mirror Lake Hike (on the Corral Creek, Mummy Pass and Mirror Lake Trails)
Envy Lake Buchanan Pass and Saint Vrain Glacier Trails
Equalizer Lake Equalizer Lake and Houts Reservoir Trails
Fay Lakes Fay Lakes Hike
Fern Lake Odessa Gorge Hike     Spruce and Loomis Lakes
Forest Lake Forest Lake Hike across Forest Canyon     Gorge Lakes and Peaks Backpacking Trip
Fourmile Lake Fourmile Lake Hike
Frozen Lake Longs Peak Hike - Keyhole Route     Longs Peak Hike via North Longs Peak Trail     McHenrys Peak     The Spearhead
Gem Lake Gem Lake, West Gemstone, and Balanced Rock Hike
George Lake Buffalo Pass Lakes Hike
Gilpin Lake Gilpin Lake Hike
Gold Creek Lake Gilpin Lake Hike
Gold Lake Gold Ridge, Walker Mountain, and Burnt Mountain Hike
Gorge Lakes Gorge Lakes and Peaks Backpacking Trip     Mount Ida and Chief Cheley Peak Hike     Toll Memorial Trail and Sundance Mountain Hike
Green Lake Longs Peak Hike - Keyhole Route     Longs Peak Hike via North Longs Peak Trail     Glacier Gorge Lakes Hike     Pagoda Mountain     The Spearhead
Gross Reservoir Forsythe Canyon Trail     Gross Peak and Castle Rock Hike     Twin Sisters Peak Hike     Winiger Gulch Hike
Halligan Reservoir Turkey Roost and Halligan Reservoir Hike
Hang Lake Blue Lake Trail
Hanii Lake Hike to the Hidden Lakes in the Northwest Corner of the Comanche Peak Wilderness
Hayden Lake Gorge Lakes and Peaks Backpacking Trip
Heart Lake Kingston and James Peaks Hike
Highest Lake Gorge Lakes and Peaks Backpacking Trip     Mount Ida and Chief Cheley Peak Hike
Horsetooth Reservoir Arthurs Rock Hike     Foothills Trail     Horsetooth Coves Hike     Horsetooth Mountain Less-Travelled Trails     Horsetooth Mountain Hike     Rotary Park Climbing
Hourglass Lake Sprague Mountain Hike
Hourglass Reservoir Beaver Creek Trail and Comanche Lake Trail     Old Morrill Trail and Comanche Peak Hike
Houts Reservoir Equalizer Lake and Houts Reservoir Trails
Iceberg Lake Trail Ridge and Iceberg Lake Hike
Inkwell Lake Gorge Lakes and Peaks Backpacking Trip     Mount Ida and Chief Cheley Peak Hike
Irene Lake Sprague Mountain Hike
Island Lake Dodad Peak Hike     West Branch Trail
Italy Lake Pagoda Mountain
James Peak Lake Kingston and James Peaks Hike
Jenny Lake Rollins Pass Hike
Jewel Lake Boulder Brook Trail and Half Mountain Hike     Glacier Gorge Lakes Hike
Joe Wright Reservoir Diamond Peaks Hike
Jonah Lake Buffalo Pass Lakes Hike
Julian Lake Mount Ida and Chief Cheley Peak Hike
Kelly Lake Clear Lake Peak Hike
Kettle Tarn North Fork Trail
King Lake Skyscraper Peak Hike
Kuriata Pool Hike to the Hidden Lakes in the Northwest Corner of the Comanche Peak Wilderness
Lady Moon Lake Hike from the Elkhorn Creek Trailhead
Lake Agnes Lake Agnes Trail
Lake Dorothy Mount Neva Hike
Lake Dunraven Mounts Dickinson and Dunraven & the lakes of the Upper North Fork Big Thompson Basin     Ramsey Peak, Sugarloaf Mountain and Skull Point Hike
Lake Estes Prospect Mountain Hike
Lake Gibralter Buchanan Pass and Saint Vrain Glacier Trails
Lake Haiyaha Lake Haiyaha and Chaos Canyon Hike     Otis Peak, Hallett Peak, and Flattop Mountain Hike
Lake Helene Lake Helene Hike     Green Mountain TH to Bear Lake via the Green Mountain, Tonahutu, and Flattop Mountain Trails
Lake Husted Mounts Dickinson and Dunraven & the lakes of the Upper North Fork Big Thompson Basin     Ramsey Peak, Sugarloaf Mountain and Skull Point Hike
Lake Isabelle Lake Isabelle Hike     Shoshoni and Pawnee Peaks Hike
Lake Louise Mounts Dickinson and Dunraven & the lakes of the Upper North Fork Big Thompson Basin     Ramsey Peak, Sugarloaf Mountain and Skull Point Hike
Lake Mary Rocky Mountain Arsenal Hike
Lake Of Glass Loch Vale Hike
Lake of the Crags Rainbow Lakes and Slide Lakes Hike
Laramie Lake Green Ridge Hike
Lawn Lake Fairchild Mountain via the Southeast Ridge     Lawn Lake Backpacking Trip
Lefthand Park Reservoir Niwot Mountain Hike
Lily Lake Aspen Brook Trail     Estes Cone Hike     Storm Pass Trail and nearby peaks     Lily Mountain Trail and Rams Horn Mountain Hike     Twin Sisters Peaks Trail
Little Crystal Lake Lawn Lake Backpacking Trip
Little Echo Lake Kingston and James Peaks Hike
Little Rock Lake Gorge Lakes and Peaks Backpacking Trip
Loch Lomond Kingston and James Peaks Hike
Lonesome Lake Sprague Mountain Hike
Lonetree Reservoir Lonetree Reservoir Hike
Long Draw Reservoir Chapin Creek Trail to Nutcracker and Confluence Peaks     Mirror Lake Hike (on the Corral Creek, Mummy Pass and Mirror Lake Trails)     Poudre Peak Hike
Long Lake Lake Isabelle Hike     Shoshoni and Pawnee Peaks Hike
Longmont Reservoir Sleepy Lion Trail
Looking Glass Lake Mirror Lake Hike (on the Corral Creek, Mummy Pass and Mirror Lake Trails)
Lost Lake Mounts Dickinson and Dunraven & the lakes of the Upper North Fork Big Thompson Basin     Lost Lake and Many Thunders Mountain Hike     Ramsey Peak, Sugarloaf Mountain and Skull Point Hike     Green Ridge Hike
Love Lake Gorge Lakes and Peaks Backpacking Trip     Mount Ida and Chief Cheley Peak Hike
Lower Mohawk Lake Spruce Creek and Mohawk Lakes Trails
Lower Rainbow Lake Rainbow Lakes and Slide Lakes Hike
Marigold Lake Odessa Gorge Hike
Marigold Pond Lake Helene Hike
Maroon Lake Maroon Lake to Crater Lake
Martha Lake Buffalo Pass Lakes Hike
Mayflower Lakes Spruce Creek and Mohawk Lakes Trails
McCullough Lakes McCullough Gulch Trail
Michigan Lakes American Lakes Hike
Middle Creedmore Lake Creedmore Lakes Hike
Middle Rainbow Lake Rainbow Lakes and Slide Lakes Hike
Mills Lake Boulder Brook Trail and Half Mountain Hike     Glacier Gorge Lakes Hike     Pagoda Mountain
Mirror Lake Hourglass Trail     Mirror Lake Trail     Mirror Lake Hike (on the Corral Creek, Mummy Pass and Mirror Lake Trails)
Mitchell Lake Mitchell Creek Trail and Blue Lake Hike
Mohawk Lake Spruce Creek and Mohawk Lakes Trails
Molly Lake Granite Ridge Trail (formerly, Molly Lake Trail)
Mountain Lake Evans Gulch Hike
Napu Lake Hike to the Hidden Lakes in the Northwest Corner of the Comanche Peak Wilderness
Neva Lakes Mount Neva Hike
North Gray Reservoir Hot Air Balloon Ride
Nymph Lake Emerald Lake Hike
Odessa Lake Joe Mills Mountain     Lake Helene Hike     Odessa Gorge Hike     Green Mountain TH to Bear Lake via the Green Mountain, Tonahutu, and Flattop Mountain Trails
Ouzel Lake Wild Basin Waterfalls and Ouzel Lake Hike
Pagatsu Lake Hike to the Hidden Lakes in the Northwest Corner of the Comanche Peak Wilderness
Pakinumu Lake Hike to the Hidden Lakes in the Northwest Corner of the Comanche Peak Wilderness
Parvin Lake Hikes from the Dowdy Lake Recreation Area     Hike from the Elkhorn Creek Trailhead
Pass Lake Aspen Area Hiking
Pawnee Lake Shoshoni and Pawnee Peaks Hike
Peacock Pool Chasm Lake Hike     Longs Peak Hike - Keyhole Route     Peacock Pool Hike
Pinewood Reservoir Pinewood Reservoir & Ramsay_Shockey Open Space
Potts Puddle Mount Tileston and Bighorn Mountain Hike
Poudre Lake Mount Ida and Chief Cheley Peak Hike
Primrose Pond Spruce and Loomis Lakes
Rainbow Lake Rainbow Lakes and Slide Lakes Hike     Sprague Mountain Hike
Ramsey Tarn Ramsey Peak, Sugarloaf Mountain and Skull Point Hike
Red Deer Lake Sawtooth Mountain & Red Deer Lake Hike
Red Feather Lakes Lost Lake and Many Thunders Mountain Hike
Reynolds Lake Kingston and James Peaks Hike
Rock Lake Forest Lake Hike across Forest Canyon     Gorge Lakes and Peaks Backpacking Trip
Rockhole Lake South and North Rawah Peaks Backpacking Trip
Round Pond Joe Mills Mountain
Rowe Glacier Lake Lawn Lake Backpacking Trip
Roxy Ann Lake Rainbow Lakes and Slide Lakes Hike
Ruby Jewel Lake Clark Peak Hike     Ruby Jewel Lake Hike     West Branch Trail
Salamander Lake Salamander Lake Hike
Sandbeach Lake Sandbeach Lake Trail
Scotch Lake Mounts Dickinson and Dunraven & the lakes of the Upper North Fork Big Thompson Basin
Seaman Reservoir Black Powder Trail     North Fork of the Poudre Hike     Wintersteen Trail
Shelf Lake Thatchtop, Solitude Lake, and Shelf Lake Hike
Shoestring Lake Buffalo Pass Lakes Hike
Sky Pond Loch Vale Hike
Skyscraper Reservoir Skyscraper Peak Hike
Slide Lake Rainbow Lakes and Slide Lakes Hike
Snow Lake American Lakes Hike     Trap Park Trail & Table Iron, Iron Mountain and Flat Top Mountain Hike
Solitude Lake Thatchtop, Solitude Lake, and Shelf Lake Hike
South Gray Reservoir Hot Air Balloon Ride
Spectacle Lakes Chapin, Chiquita, and Ypsilon Hike     Ypsilon Lake Trail
Sprague Glacier Lake Sprague Mountain Hike
Square Top Lakes South Park Trail to Square Top Lakes
Steuart Lake Kingston and James Peaks Hike
Subetu Pool Hike to the Hidden Lakes in the Northwest Corner of the Comanche Peak Wilderness
Summit Lake Buffalo Pass Lakes Hike     Mount Evans Trail
tarn Mount Sniktau Hike
The Loch Loch Vale Hike     Taylor Peak via Andrews Glacier
The Pool Odessa Gorge Hike
Timber Lake West Branch Trail
Timberline Lake Browns Lake Trail and Crown Point Hike     Flowers Trail
Timnath Reservoir Hot Air Balloon Ride
Trap Lake Trap Park Trail & Table Iron, Iron Mountain and Flat Top Mountain Hike
Twin Crater Lakes Dodad Peak Hike     South and North Rawah Peaks Backpacking Trip     Snowbank Peak and Rawah Pyramid Hike
Twin Lake Reservoir Hike to the Stormy Peaks B17 Crash     Mummy Pass Trail and Fall Mountain Hike
Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Hike     Green Ridge Hike
Two Rivers Lake Lake Helene Hike     Green Mountain TH to Bear Lake via the Green Mountain, Tonahutu, and Flattop Mountain Trails
Uneva Pool Uneva Peak Hike
Upper Blue Lake Quandary Peak Trail
Upper Camp Lake West Branch and Camp Lake Trails to Ranked Peak 11344 & Sheep Mountain
Upper Coney Lake Mount Audubon Hike
Upper Mohawk Lakes Spruce Creek and Mohawk Lakes Trails
Upper Slide Lake Rainbow Lakes and Slide Lakes Hike
Warren Lake Horsetooth Mountain Hike from Lory State Park
West Creedmore Lake Creedmore Lakes Hike
Whale Lake Buffalo Pass Lakes Hike
Whiskey Lake Mounts Dickinson and Dunraven & the lakes of the Upper North Fork Big Thompson Basin
Windsor Reservoir Hot Air Balloon Ride
Windy Gap Lake Windy Gap Peaks Hike
Woodland Lake Skyscraper Peak Hike
Yankee Doodle Lake Rollins Pass Hike
Ypsilon Lake Chapin, Chiquita, and Ypsilon Hike     Fay Lakes Hike     Ypsilon Lake Trail
Zimmerman Lake Zimmerman Lake and Meadows Trails