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Glacier Gorge Hike |
This is our number one lake hike because of all 9 lakes you can find up Glacier Gorge. |
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Rainbow Lakes and Slide Lake Hike |
This remote hike takes you by 4 beautiful alpine lakes and some unnamed falls in the heart of the Mount Zirkel Wilderness. |
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American Lakes Hike |
This hike takes you along a stream and then up to the American Lakes. If you hike off trail towards Snow Lake, you get a great view down on the lakes, that loosely resemble how the Americas look on a globe. At the end of the hike, Snow Lake is nestled within an alpine cirque. |
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Odessa Gorge Hike |
This hike takes you along the upper stretches of the Big Thompson River, by Fern Falls and to 3 of the named lakes of Rocky Mountain National Park: The Pool, Fern Lake and Odessa Lake. The last two lakes allow wonderful views of the surrounding mountains that tower above you. |
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Hike to the Hidden Lakes in the Northwest Corner of the Comanche Peak Wilderness |
This hike takes you to several seldom-visited and unnamed lakes in the Comanche Peak Wilderness. The tranquil solitude you get to enjoy in this beautiful area is well worth the effort to get here. |
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Gorge Lakes and Peaks Backpacking Trip |
This hike takes you into the very rugged, remote and spectacular Gorge Lakes area of Rocky Mountain National Park. |
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The six lakes of the upper North Fork Big Thompson Basin |
This is a very long hike, best done as a backpacking trip, that takes you past six beautiful lakes in a remote section of Rocky Mountain National Park. |
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West Branch Trail |
Many of the most majestic lakes in the Rawah Wilderness are located off of the West Branch Trail and its side trails. You can hike to a few lakes on a day hike, but they're best visited on a multi-day backpacking trip. |
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Emmaline Lake Trail |
This trail takes you through prime moose habitat on the way to Cirque and Emmaline Lakes, sitting at timberline at the base of a deep alpine cirque. But you can just do half of the hike and still enjoy wonderful views from Cirque Meadow. |
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Mirror Lake Hike |
This hike takes you along and across 3 different streams, up along beautiful Hague Creek Park, and finishes at Mirror Lake that lies at the bottom of a long, deep cirque. |