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Photos from this photo album are from the following date(s): June 5, 2010; April 9, 2011
Places and things seen on hike: Moody Hill Road, FDR 513, Buckhorn Road, Sheep Creek, Sheep Creek Canyon, Canada Violet, Whiskbroom Parsley, Boulder Raspberry, Daisy, Early Larkspur, Bluemist Penstemon, Buckhorn Valley, Cutleaf Daisy, Comanche Peak, Moody Hill, Western Wallflower, Sunloving Catspaw, FDR 132, Wild Iris, Lamb's Tongue Groundsel, Crystal Mountain Road, FDR 344, quarry
Elevation range (in thousands of feet, estimated from a digital topographic database): Index of places and things seen on each and every Colorado hike Viewer scripts courtesy of Web 1 Marketing, Inc.