Loveland Recreation Trail - City of Loveland - Colorado       
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Photos from this photo album are from the following date(s): December 19, 2009; December 20, 2009; January 1, 2010; January 9, 2010; January 23, 2010; May 9, 2010; January 23, 2011; June 25, 2017
Places and things seen on hike: Loveland, Loveland Trail, Loveland Recreation Trail, Boyd Lake State Park, Big Thompson River, Boyd Lake, Mallard, Canada Geese, Buffalobur, Mariana Butte, Horse, Wild Alfalfa, Prickly Poppy, Purple Groundcherry, Bindweed
Elevation range (in thousands of feet, estimated from a digital topographic database):
Index of places and things seen on each and every Colorado hike
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